Estimated delivery times vary from 5 to 7 business days due to weather conditions.

  Agreement in principle reached between the SAQ and the SAQ stores and office employees (SEMB) union. Learn more.

   November 5th : Please note that the stores will be open during regular hours. Find your store >

   We are experiencing technical issues with the Great Wines of Burgundy lottery and are working to resolve the situation as soon as possible.

The Charter of the French language and its regulations govern the consultation of English language content.

Hurry! The deadline to take advantage of the GST break on qualifying products is February 15. Details.


Suppliers of beverage alcohol products

Agents and suppliers of wines, beers and spirits who want to do business with the SAQ can refer to the SAQ-B2B online gateway.

This website contains all documents related to the merchandising of products at the SAQ.

Supplier Code of Conduct of the SAQ (PDF - 1.4 MB)

Suppliers of goods and services

Suppliers of goods and services who want to reply to the SAQ’s calls for tenders can visit the Système électronique d’appel d’offres (SEAO) website, where all public calls for tenders are posted. The site also lists the contracts awarded by the SAQ.

See the procedure (PDF - 246 KB - French only) for obtaining the calls for tenders and the list of contracts awarded by the SAQ.

Suppliers of goods and services who want to register as SAQ suppliers must fill out the following documents and email them to

Policy Regarding Contracts and Contract Management (PDF - 218 KB - French only)

Supplier Code of Conduct of the SAQ (PDF - 1.4 MB)

Supplier Registration Application (PDF - 108 KB - French only)

Supplier’s Business Lines (PDF - 160 KB - French only)

Procedure for the receipt and examination of complaints in the context of a contractual process (PDF - 97 KB - French only)