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Quick Questions
Caroline Duhaime
Caroline Duhaime recently celebrated 10 years of service at our Montreal distribution centre. Learn about her career path.
Why did you decide to start working at the SAQ?
At the time, I was looking for a job and I heard the SAQ was hiring. Because I’d previously worked in a factory, I had the experience necessary to apply. And I was hired but as a temporary worker.
You’ve held a lot of positions in the supply chain. Which ones?
I’ve worked in preparation, receiving, shipping, on forklifts, in the authorized distributor (AD) unit and as a replacement receiving manager.
How did you transition from employee to manager?
It wasn’t necessarily part of my plans at first. I think my superiors saw some potential in me and offered me the possibility of advancement. The management team is amazing and we all work together. My colleagues also provided a lot of support during the transition. I’m really grateful to them!
In filling this position, what are your strengths and the main challenges you face?
My biggest challenge is communication. I am a manager who works closely with employees, so it’s really important to me. But I need to keep on developing my communication skills. It’s something that happens gradually, with the support of my management team. My strengths, on the other hand, are everything related to the analysis and planning required to reach our objectives. That’s what I enjoy most about my work.
How do you see the coming years –the next five or 10 years– at the SAQ?
I want to keep on growing and developing my skills. As opportunities arise, I’d like to continue my career path at the SAQ.
What advice would you give to colleagues who want to advance at the SAQ?
There really are lots of opportunities for that. You have to work hard and show you’re interested. I’d tell interested employees not to hesitate about raising their hand and expressing their desire to learn and grow.
Why work at the SAQ?
To take on challenges in a dynamic company that gives back to society, driven by a passionate team whose expertise is recognized.
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