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  Agreement in principle reached between the SAQ and the SAQ stores and office employees (SEMB) union. Learn more.

   November 5th : Please note that the stores will be open during regular hours. Find your store >

   We are experiencing technical issues with the Great Wines of Burgundy lottery and are working to resolve the situation as soon as possible.

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Preparation 5 min
Cooking time None
Servings According to serving occasion


For a successful cheese platter that will leave nobody hungry, we suggest these quantities depending on the serving occasion. If you’re serving several, divide the quantity by the number of cheeses chosen.

Tasting: 50 g per person

Appetizer: 90 g per person

Meal: 200 g per person


Apple compote, floral notes, pastry, this bubbly from the Cidrerie du Minot orchards offers quite a bit of fruit and sweetness to compensate for the salty character of this firm paste. Its acidity cutting through the fat of the cheese ensures a nice overall balance. Add this service to your next gourmet meal!

Other possible pairings: sparkling rosé, blond beer.

Availability in stores