Estimated delivery times vary from 5 to 7 business days due to weather conditions.

  Agreement in principle reached between the SAQ and the SAQ stores and office employees (SEMB) union. Learn more.

   November 5th : Please note that the stores will be open during regular hours. Find your store >

   We are experiencing technical issues with the Great Wines of Burgundy lottery and are working to resolve the situation as soon as possible.

The Charter of the French language and its regulations govern the consultation of English language content.

Prices displayed on SAQ.COM reflect the temporary GST break for qualifying products. Details.

Contract information

Call-for-tenders notices, documents and, if applicable, awards are posted on the Electronic tendering system website, which hosts the various public-sector procurement notices. Suppliers interested in government contracts can view the published notices on the site and download the related documents.

Calls-for-tender and contract awarded

To find public calls and the list of contracts awarded by the Société des alcools du Québec, follow these steps on the SEAO site :

  • Click on « Recherche avancée » (at the top of the left menu).
  • Click on « Précisez le ou les donneurs d'ouvrage ».
  • Click on the yellow-orange button « Préciser des donneurs d’ouvrage ».
  • Do the following steps :
  1. In the field Catégorie, choose « Sociétés d’État ».
  2. In the field Nom, type the word « alcool » (in French).
  3. Click on the magnifying glass.
  4. Check the box « Société des alcools du Québec ».
  5. Click on « Sélectionner ».
  • The system comes back to the Advanced Search window  :
  • Check the box « Société des alcools du Québec – Sociétés d’État ».
  • Click on « Rechercher » at the bottom of the page.

See the procedure (PDF - 246 KB - French only) for obtaining the calls-for-tenders and the list of contracts awarded by the SAQ.