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The spirit of sharing with Food Banks of Quebec

Donations and sponsorships

Food Banks of Quebec

Because at the SAQ we believe that, before drinking well, it is essential to have enough to eat and because sharing means giving to those in need, we have made food assistance our corporate cause.

Published on September 7, 2023

From August 29, to September 8, 2024

Together, we raised


for Food Banks of Quebec.

$1 makes a
in the form of 3 meals
for hungry mouths.

requests for
food aid are answered
per month.

870 000
people per month
go hungry in

Food Banks of Quebec

A proud partner of Food Banks of Quebec (FBQ), the SAQ organizes several initiatives a year to raise funds for distribution by the FBQ to its 32 regional members that serve more than 1,300 community organizations across Quebec.

The generosity of our customers and involvement of our employees have enabled the SAQ to donate more than $18 million to assist numerous families across the province, including over $2,6 million in 2023.

Donation of 1$ = 3 mealsDonation of 1$ = 3 meals
Donation of 2$ = 6 mealsDonation of 2$ = 6 meals
Donation of 5$ = 15 mealsDonation of 5$ = 15 meals
Donation of 10$ = 30 mealsDonation of 10$ = 30 meals

makes it possible to
provide three meals

A $1 donation covers the costs of transporting and storing 1.5 kg of food. As the average portion size for adults is 0.5 kg, a $1 donation is the equivalent of three meals.

donated by
the SAQ in 2023.

issued in total over
the last 15 years.

19 members and
13 Associate members
community organizations
in Quebec.

Sale of gift boxes in support of FBQ

You can support the cause all year long
as a portion of profits from the sale of gift boxes and wood boxes are remitted to the FBQ.

Sale of gift boxes in support of FBQSale of gift boxes in support of FBQ

Discover stories surrounding the engagement of our employees