SAQ moderation policy
In order to ensure that we maintain an environment that promotes free expression while being respectful and of high quality, the SAQ will validate all product reviews submitted, within 2 to 5 business days. Only comments that conform to all the criteria of this policy will be published on website SAQ.COM:
- Language and etiquette: Any comment using offensive or inappropriate language that may be considered rude, discriminatory, racist or offensive will be automatically rejected. In addition, no personal attack will be tolerated either towards a user or towards the SAQ or one of its employees, representatives or partners.
- Respect of the theme: Users can write reviews on SAQ.COM relating only to their satisfaction with products. For any other comments or questions about the services offered by the SAQ, please contact the Customer relations centre.
- Submitting a comment for publication on the SAQ.COM website in no way engages the SAQ's responsibility to publish it, if the comment does not meet the criteria of this policy.
- Users whose comments are published cannot claim any copyright or intellectual property relating to these comments. The published comments can be used at its discretion by the SAQ, which can dispose of them as it sees fit.
- We ask you to avoid the misuse of capitals, underscores, bold characters, italics, etc. In addition, the use of French and English (depending on the version of the site concerned) should be preferred, with the exception of a few words in other languages.
- No promotional or commercial content will be accepted. Comments should be made in a personal capacity, with a view to expressing your level of satisfaction with the product evaluated.
- In order to comply with our Personal information confidentiality conditions, no confidential or personal information will be published, whether this information relates to the author or to a third party, whether it is an employee, representative or partner of the SAQ.
The criteria of this policy may be modified by the SAQ at its discretion and without notice.