SAQ agency stores
SAQ Agency stores are food retailers (grocery and convenience stores) authorized to sell SAQ products in their store. Agency stores are located in municipalities that do not have an SAQ store. They give locals improved access to SAQ products.
The SAQ has some 483 Agency stores across Quebec. When these Agency stores are added to the SAQ’s network of stores, the government corporation has nearly 840 points of sale, making it one of the most accessible retailers in Quebec.

Becoming an SAQ Agency store
- Can my business become an SAQ Agency store?
When the SAQ determines that a municipality meets the eligibility criteria AND that having an Agency store there is feasible, it publishes an advertisement in a local newspaper and invites interested businesses to reply to a call for tenders.
To obtain an SAQ Agency store permit, a business must :
- be located in the area covered by the call for tenders ;
- hold a liquor permit issued by the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux (RACJ) ;
- provide a financial statement ; and
- satisfy the SAQ’s business criteria. In particular, it must meet one of the following two criteria :
- The business centre of the municipality or area affected by the proposed SAQ Agency store must be located at a minimum distance of approximately 15 km from the nearest SAQ store ; or
- the business centre of the municipality or area affected by the proposed SAQ Agency store must be located at least 5 km from the nearest SAQ store, and :
- be in a municipality or area whose permanent population is approximately than 6,000 residents over the age of 18 ;
- have the product sales potential set by the SAQ, once the cannibalization of sales from the existing SAQ store and Agency store network has been taken into account ; and
- provide a representative sampling of SAQ products (100 to 140 linear feet of shelf space).
Businesses that sign an Agency store agreement must also :
- undertake to order all products through the supply SAQ store and take delivery of the ordered products there ;
- assume the cost of transporting the products to their store ;
- display sales prices that are the same as those displayed in SAQ stores.
Agency store agreements are valid for a term of five years. The SAQ reserves the right to extend the authorization for one or more additional periods not exceeding a combined total of five years.
For more information, please contact the Location and Real Estate Transactions Department by sending an email message to :
- Calls for tenders
Operating an agency for the retail sale of beverage alcohol
The SOCIÉTÉ DES ALCOOLS DU QUÉBEC (SAQ) is seeking bids from any food retail business to operate an agency for the retail sale of beverage alcohol within the municipal limits specified below* and in conformance with the conditions specified in the tender document.
A complete tender document will be provided by the SAQ to all interested parties who request one.
For more information, you can call, toll-free, the Location and Real Estate Transactions Department by sending an email message to : .
Bids must be received by the deadline* stipulated in the public notice.
The SAQ does not undertake to accept any of the bids received.