Supporting our community
We take concrete action in response to Quebec’s social and economic challenges because we want to have a positive impact on the community.
How we take action
We do business in ways that respect communities by working to create value for Quebecers.

Supporting organizations
and events

Generating revenue
for the Quebec government

Providing a healthy,
safe working environment
What we are putting in place
organizations and events
Being involved in the community
We contribute to the economic and social vibrancy of Quebec’s regions by investing more than $5 million a year in nearly 250 organizations and events that support culture, healthcare and education.
100% of SAQ Bistro sales are donated directly to the festivals
Did you know that ordering a glass at an SAQ Bistro is a way to support the event? We provide the products free of charge. The organizers then sell them at SAQ Bistros to festival-goers. All the proceeds from the sale of these products go directly to the event.
of sales
$18 million
for the FBQ
$18.8 million remitted to the FBQ since 2009
Food assistance is our corporate cause because drinking well only comes after getting enough to eat.
Over the years, we have developed a solid relationship with Food Banks of Quebec and its Moisson affiliates as well as with La Tablée des Chefs and supported them in their mission to help feed Quebecers in need.
A vegetable garden for the neighbourhood
Our head office is located in the Mercier Hochelaga-Maisonneuve neighbourhood, considered a food desert with limited access to fresh fruits and vegetables. Since 2022, our campus has hosted a greenhouse that’s in use 10 months of the year and a 2,760 m2 vegetable garden that helps feel local residents.
9.7 metric tons
of vegetables
$1.428 bilion
dividend in 2024
An economic lever for all Quebecers
Our net income is paid in full to the Quebec treasury to the benefit of all Quebecers. The monies are used to fund government missions, including education and public services.
It all begins with our employees
As an employer, we have an important role to play in developing our employees’ full potential. We make every effort to provide them with a healthy and safe work environment in which they feel valued and committed to being the best they can be.