Contact information
Do you have a question, suggestion or observation? We’re all ears. Feel free to share your comments with us on the quality of our services. They are appreciated and will help us serve you even better.
Our postal address for all services:
Société des alcools du Québec
7500 Tellier street
Montreal, Quebec H1N 3W5
Centres de relation clientèle - Restauration
(Including the private order service)
Montreal area
Telephone: 514 254-8686 or 1 866 554-8686
Email: |
Quebec City area
Telephone: 418 654-2950 or 1 866 654-2950
Alcohol permits
For more information about the laws and regulations governing your alcohol permit, please contact the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux directly.
Montreal area: 514 873-3577
Quebec City area: 418 643-7667
Elsewhere in Quebec: 1 800 363-0320
Corporate services
The SAQ offers businesses a range of gift cards.
Customer service
514 254-2020 ou 1 866 873-2020 | Contact us
Customer development
514 254-6000, poste 6479
Seizure department
For all information regarding the closure of an establishment and the seizure department, please contact one the following service points
Montreal area
Telephone : 514 254-8686 or 1 866 554-8686
Email :
Quebec City area
Telephone : 418 654-2950 or 1 866 654-2950
Email :