The Société des alcools du Québec is offering individual clients the opportunity to participate in the draw for products allocated by lottery during the 2023 Bordeaux Futures.
To get a chance to win the opportunity to buy products allocated by lottery, you must first have an SAQ.COM account. If you don’t’ have an account, you can create one and also register for SAQ Inspire.
You must then enter the draw for each product by completing the following steps:
Event dates are as follows:
Participation period: from June 20, 2024 at 12:00 a.m. to June 24, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.
A computerized draw will take place on June 26, 2024 at 12:00 a.m. among all entries received during the participation period.
Purchasing period: from June 26, 2024 at 12:00 a.m. to July 2, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.
The Bordeaux Futures lottery does not offer a second round. However, please note that all products allocated to other customers, who choose not to pre-order them, will be released and available for pre-order in the “first come, first served” sale. Customers who take part in the lottery will be informed by email and can then complete their purchase, once again by paying 40% upfront.
To enter the draw for lottery products, you must create or log in to your SAQ.COM account.
Given that products offered as part of the Bordeaux Futures event are rare, sought-after and offered in limited quantity, the SAQ reserves the right to:
Please note that products from this event can’t be combined with any promotional offer (rebates, Inspire points, etc.)
The prices indicated on the SAQ.COM site are those established for consumer sales.
It is not allowed for clients who are permit holders of the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux for the sale of alcoholic beverages to participate in this lottery.
You must pay only for the products for which you entered the lottery, that were allocated to you by the automated lottery process and that you wish to purchase, according to the maximum quantity you indicated when you entered the draw.
The maximum quantity you can buy is the quantity you indicated when you entered the draw.
For example, if you indicated five (5) bottles for product X, and this product is allocated to you, you can purchase five (5) bottles or less of product X. Your purchase is final: if you decide to buy three (3) bottles of product X instead of five (5), it will not be possible to purchase the remaining two (2) bottles allocated to you at a later time. These two bottles will be released and will be part of the “first come, first served” sale.
The lottery process on SAQ.COM intends to randomly allocate to participants the possibility to purchase products of a given event.
Once the participation period is over, the computerized lottery process will randomly allocate products to participants. You will receive an email informing you if products were allocated to you or not. You have a set delay after this email is sent to purchase products allocated to you. Your purchase if final and quantities purchased are final. Bottles not purchased will be part of the “first come, first served” sale.
A 40% deposit must be paid by the customer on pre-order products, both those allocated by lottery and acquired in the “first come, first served” sale. Said deposit must be paid in the SAQ.COM cart in order to pre-order the products. It’s not possible to redeem your SAQ Inspire points to pay for this deposit in part or in full.
If the value of the deposit exceeds the value of all other ordered and delivered products, the surplus will be reimbursed to the client with interest, starting on the date the deposit was paid and calculated according to the National Bank of Canada rate minus 1%.
The balance on Bordeaux Futures pre-orders is payable when the SAQ warehouse receives the products, in 2026. It’s not possible to redeem your SAQ Inspire points to pay for this balance in part or in full. You will then receive an email with details.
Once products reach our warehouse, you will receive an email with details on how to pay your order balance, as well as information on available delivery options.
The products ordered by a customer may under no circumstances be transferred to another client.
If, for any reason, the SAQ cannot deliver the products to the client, its sole responsibility is to credit the client or to reimburse them for the amount paid.
The SAQ guarantees these products for a period of 12 months from the date of possession by client. Upon return of a defective product, the SAQ will replace it or reimburse the full purchase price. For further information concerning the exchange and reimbursement policy, please contact the Customer Relations Centre.
It is forbidden to create several accounts with different email addresses. The SAQ.COM accounts that don’t follow this rule will be deleted, and clients who created them won’t be able to create new accounts, preventing them from gaining access to lottery events and Bordeaux Futures.
If the SAQ determines that individuals alter or use the lottery process on SAQ.COM in a wrongful way, notably, but not exclusively by infringing on its regulations, by trying to enter the draw more often than the maximum order of times allowed, by acting in a way that hinders the normal draw process, these individuals will be disqualified.
Any person who tries to enter the draw by using robotic entry methods, automated, macro or programmed, by third parties or any other similar method will have these attempts cancelled and the account of this person will be deleted at the sole and entire discretion of the SAQ.
Please read our Confidentiality policy and our Terms and conditions of online sales for any information on the matter.
Anyone who wishes to obtain more information concerning this sale offering can conctact:
Customer Relations Centre
7500, rue Tellier
Montréal (Québec) H1N 3W5
Toll free : 1 866 873-2020
Greater Montréal : 514 254-2020
Learn more about how the Bordeaux Futures process.