A network of volunteers

In the past year, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced many individuals and families into very precarious situations. The tireless work of the hundreds of volunteers who give of their time in different organizations make all the difference when it comes to meeting food assistance needs. We sat down with four volunteers to find out more about what motivates them to do their part and learn about the challenges they faced this past year.


Michèle Vandry has volunteered her time at Maisonnette des parents in Little Italy since November.

“You end up getting to know a little bit about everyone, because our team leader tells us about them. If I know someone is going through a difficult period—maybe a health problem—that’s definitely something I think about when I prepare the basket. I’ll try to add a little treat,” she said. 


According to Stéphane Lavoie, who is responsible for food security at the Maisonette, the need for food assistance has skyrocketed in the past year. “To give you an idea, in our biggest week of 2019, which was during the holidays, 40 homes signed up for food baskets. This year, we handed out 113,” revealed Stéphane.

While the need grew in Montréal, it also increased across the province. The Centre d’action bénévole la grande corvée in Grande-Vallée receives food donations from different Moissons, as well as from grocery stores and bakeries that send their unsold and surplus items.

“We had to close for three months during the pandemic. It made us sad to think of all the people in need,” said volunteer Marie-Thérèse Fournier. “We were also disappointed we couldn’t help because we get a lot out of being there, socializing and feeling like we’re really supporting our community.”

Martin Lévesque is the director of administration and distribution at the SAQ. He is also a member of the board of directors of Moisson Rive-Sud, where he has volunteered for several years.

“We’re all more or less the same. We all have causes that are important to us, and I chose this one [food assistance]. We’re the lucky ones who eat three meals a day. Not everyone does, and there are so many children who don’t. Mine are priviledged: they never go hungry. When others do, you wonder if your small gesture could make a big difference. It sounds cliché but I truly believe it can,” explained Martin.


Food assistance by the numbers 

Since March 2020, the need for food assistance has increased an average of 30% across Québec.

The SAQ has donated $11.2M since the start of its partnership with Quebec Food Banks, including $3.3M in 2020.

For people who are experiencing severe food insecurity, food bank access is often among the last options they turn to.

There was a 74% increase in food donations compared to 2019.

Quebec Food Banks distributed 50% more food items in April 2020 than April 2019.

You can give right here.

Food assistance, our corporate cause. 

Et les spiritueux sans alcool?

Contrairement à ce que certains pourraient croire, non, ce ne sont pas simplement que des «eaux aromatisées». Afin d’offrir la complexité attendue en dégustation, ces boissons passeront par le même processus que leurs équivalents alcoolisés : la distillation. Prenons l’exemple d’un gin. Plutôt que de distiller un alcool neutre en présence des aromates qui lui donneront sa personnalité, on fera le même processus mais… avec un liquide sans alcool. N’est-ce pas d’ailleurs la façon dont on fabrique les plus fins parfums?

Une tendance durable

Obtenir des boissons sans alcool n’est pas si simple et nécessite de la recherche et de l’énergie. Mais à voir l’offre de produits se développer comme elle le fait actuellement, on sent bien que la curiosité de la clientèle est grandissante et que cela se traduit par une augmentation de la demande pour ces produits distinctifs. Une tendance qui semble être là pour rester et c’est tant mieux pour ceux qui souhaitent trinquer sans alcool!

Découvrez tous nos produits sans alcool